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Utah Regulations § R623-10-7 Registration System Hosting and Maintenance

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

Hosting and maintenance of the registration system must follow the rules and policies, incorporated by reference in this rule, set forth by the Division of Technology Services (DTS) governing the hosting, maintenance, security requirements, development, and usage of the registration system and its components, including storage and transmission of any related data policy:
(1) DTS POLICY 4000-0001 - Enterprise Application and Database Deployment Policy, Last Revised October 2015;
(2) DTS POLICY 4000-0002 - Enterprise User Authentication Standards Policy, Last Revised November 2021; and
(3) DTS POLICY 5000-0002 - Information Security Policy, Last Revised June 2023.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-22 , effective 10/30/2023