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Utah Regulations § R623-7-3 Definitions

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

In addition to the terms defined in Section 20A-1-102 , the following definitions apply to this rule:
(1) "Designee" means a full-time employee of the election officer or a full-time employee of the political subdivision of the election officer given authority by the election officer to perform software validations.
(2) "Election Officer" means the county clerk or municipal clerk responsible for maintaining the system where the software is in use, or will be, installed.
(3) "Installation" means installing vote tabulation software, updating vote tabulation software, or overwriting existing vote tabulation software.
(4) "Software" means a computer program that is used to tabulate votes, otherwise generally known as an election management system (EMS), with the exception of software used in reference to Section 20A-4-6 , Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project.
(5) "Validation" means obtaining the hash validation of installed software and comparing it against the trusted build hash validation from the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) using instructions approved by the lieutenant governor.
(6) "Voting Equipment" means equipment that is maintained and used by the election officer to scan, tabulate, or mark ballots; otherwise generally known as ballot marking devices and direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machines.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-03 , effective 1/24/2023