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Utah Regulations § R623-7-4 General

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

(1) Software must be validated, with no errors or warnings, in accordance with this rule and Section 20A-5-802 at the time of installation and at least once every two years thereafter.
(2) The election officer shall validate software against the trusted build hash validation from the EAC using instructions approved by the lieutenant governor.
(3) Validation must be performed by the election officer, their designee, or someone authorized to perform the validation by the lieutenant governor.
(4) Before using any voting equipment, and before each election, the election officer shall verify that the firmware version on any voting equipment matches the firmware version that is certified by the EAC.
(5) The election officer shall make and retain a signed record of each software validation and voting equipment verification that is performed for 24 months after the software or voting equipment is no longer in use.
(a) The lieutenant governor shall select at least five jurisdictions each year and supervise the performance of software validations and voting equipment verifications for those jurisdictions.
(b) These validations may be in addition to any other validation performed by the election officer.
(7) Nothing in this rule prevents an election officer from performing more validations than are required by this rule, but each validation must follow the procedures outlined in this rule.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-03 , effective 1/24/2023