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Utah Regulations § R623-7-7 Software Validation

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

(a) The election officer shall be responsible for ensuring that each computer with software on it is validated at the time of installation.
(b) If the hash values do not match then the software may not be used and the election officer shall notify the lieutenant governor within one business day of the identification of the mismatch.
(2) Systems must pass validation with no errors or warnings at the time of installation, or during any validation review, or they may not be used in an election until the system has been successfully validated.
(3) The election officer, or their designee, must be always present during the validation.
(4) The election officer or their designee must perform the validation, unless written permission is obtained from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor before the validation is performed.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-03 , effective 1/24/2023