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Utah Regulations § R623-8-5 Ballot Collection

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

(1) An election official shall document the following information each time active ballots are collected:
(a) names of any election official collecting ballots;
(b) the name of the collection site, for example, drop box or post office;
(c) date and time of the ballot collection;
(d) the seal number used to secure the ballots; and
(e) any damage to ballots, ballot box, and concerns, including unusual situations or irregularities.
(2) An election official shall document the following information each time active ballots are received by the ballot processing center:
(a) the time and date active ballots are returned to the ballot processing center;
(b) seal numbers when received at the ballot processing center; and
(c) the recorded number of active ballots received at the ballot processing center.
(3) An election official shall be identifiable as an election official through the use of a badge, uniform, or other markings when engaging in ballot collection.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-05 , effective 2/21/2023