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Utah Regulations § R623-8-6 Ballot Processing

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

(1) Active ballots shall be processed in a secure location where access is controlled by an election official.
(2) An election official shall ensure that active ballots in a processing center are secured or monitored.
(3) An election official shall ensure that active ballots are:
(a) divided into batches and separated from other active ballots through each step of the process; and
(b) clearly identified as to which stage of the process they are in.
(4) On each day that tabulation is performed, tabulated active ballots shall be reconciled by an election official at least once a day against:
(a) the statewide voter registration database; and
(b) the number of processed active ballots for that processing session.
(5) An election official shall ensure that each batch of active ballots is documented, noting the completion of each step according to Section R623-8-10 .
(6) An election official shall ensure that the name of each watcher is documented, potentially via a sign in and out with the date and time.
(7) An election official shall provide clear and consistent instructions to watchers when checking in in accordance with Section 20A-3a-801 .
(8) An election official shall ensure that counted and uncounted active ballots are clearly marked as such and are segregated from each other.
(9) An election official shall ensure that each replicated active ballot is documented in accordance with Subsection 20A-4-104 (3) .
(10) An election official shall document the following when adjudicating active ballots:
(a) the names of each election official adjudicating the active ballot; and
(b) a record of which active ballots the official adjudicated.
(11) Ballot processing centers may be monitored by cameras; if so, a retention policy shall be developed and implemented regarding the storage of camera footage.
(12) Ballot processing centers shall be viewable to the public, but accessible only to authorized personnel.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-05 , effective 2/21/2023