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Utah Regulations § R623-9-4 Vendor Requirements

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

(1) A vendor shall have:
(a) a secure facility that, includes:
(i) processing areas where public access is restricted through badge access with logging of the date, time, and operator of each ballot process;
(ii) 24-hour facility security through on-site security staffing, alarm system, or video surveillance; or
(iii) another method of similar security with logging of the date, time, and operator of each ballot process.
(b) documented continuity of operations plan that includes:
(i) secure data transfer, storage, backups, and redundancy;
(ii) printer and equipment redundancy; and
(iii) documented disaster recovery plan; and
(c) a documented chain of custody plan describing how ballots will be printed and delivered to a postal facility for mailing.
(2) A vendor may not subcontract any portion of the ballot printing processes described in this section without obtaining written consent from the contracting county.
(3) A vendor shall:
(a) disclose to the election officer any subcontractors, including freight handlers along with their primary point of contact;
(b) maintain the ability to track ballots through each process while ballots are in the custody of a subcontractor;
(c) disclose the following:
(i) how blank ballot stock and printed ballot stock are securely stored;
(ii) the process for securely destroying spoiled ballots;
(iii) the policy on conducting any employee background checks; and
(iv) how they encrypt and protect the data stated in Subsection R623-9-4 (3)(d) ;
(d) encrypt and protect any sensitive data or PII of voters; and
(e) provide full access to the ballot processing facility and full access to any of the records described in this rule to the lieutenant governor, legislative auditors, and any county clerk for which they provide ballot printing services while contracted work is being performed including access to facilities and records of subcontractors.
(4) A vendor subcontractor shall maintain the ability to provide to the vendor and election officer a log that shows the date, time, and quantity of ballots each time ballots are transferred between the vendor and a subcontractor.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-22 , effective 11/10/2023