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Utah Regulations § R623-9-6 Envelopes

Up to Title R623: Elections

Regulation Text

The county clerk shall ensure that envelopes used to mail out and return ballots meet the requirements of this section. The provisions in this section take effect by the sooner of the 2024 General Election or the next time ballot envelopes are ordered.
(1) Return and ballot envelopes must meet USPS Official Election Mail -- Graphic Guidelines and Logos standards, Publication 631, incorporated by reference in this rule.
(2) Return ballot envelopes must comply with Subsection 20A-3a-202 (4) .
(3) Return envelopes must contain the address of the election office or county clerk where the ballots are to be returned as both the addressee and the return address.
(4) The addresses described in Subsection (3), or any envelope used to deliver or return ballots, may contain the position title of the election officer, but not the name of any candidate running for political office.
(5) Each envelope must contain markings that show the election to which the envelope belongs. If the affidavit is removed from the envelope, both the envelope and the affidavit must contain the date of the election.
(6) Each return envelope must contain the unique identifying number which corresponds to a ballot record issued to a voter in the voter registration system. If the affidavit is removed from the envelope, both the envelope and the affidavit must contain the unique identifying number.
(7) Return ballot envelopes must contain cross-hatching unless other measures are taken to ensure that a ballot cannot be read through the envelope.


Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-22 , effective 11/10/2023