Virginia Statutes Title 24.2: Elections
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Statutes under Title 24.2: Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 2: Federal Offices
Topics: U.S. Congressional
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 2: Federal Offices
Topics: U.S. Congressional Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 2: Federal Offices
Topics: Terms of Office U.S. Congressional
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 2: Federal Offices
Topics: U.S. Congressional Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 3: Statewide Offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 3: Statewide Offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 3: Statewide Offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 3: Statewide Offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 4: General Assembly
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 4: General Assembly
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 4: General Assembly
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Terms of Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Terms of Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Terms of Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Special Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Terms of Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Topics: Terms of Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 5: Constitutional and Local Officers
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 6: Vacancies in Elected Constitutional and Local Offices
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Election Offenses
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Vacancies
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Causes of Action
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Causes of Action
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Procedures Causes of Action
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Causes of Action
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Procedures Causes of Action
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2: Federal, Commonwealth, and Local OfficersArticle 7: Removal of Public Officers from Office
Topics: Election Costs
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 1: Nomination of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 1: Nomination of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 1: Nomination of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 2: Selection by Voters and Duties of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 2: Selection by Voters and Duties of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 2: Selection by Voters and Duties of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 2.1: Presidential ElectorsArticle 2: Selection by Voters and Duties of Electors
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2: Congressional, Senatorial, and House of Delegates Districts
Topics: Criteria Redistricting U.S. Congressional
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2: Congressional, Senatorial, and House of Delegates Districts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2.1: Reapportionment of Local Election Districts
Topics: Authority Criteria Deadlines Redistricting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2.1: Reapportionment of Local Election Districts
Topics: Election Costs Authority Redistricting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2.1: Reapportionment of Local Election Districts
Topics: Public Disclosure and Reporting Criteria Redistricting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling PlacesArticle 2.1: Reapportionment of Local Election Districts