Virginia Statutes Title 24.2: Elections
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Statutes under Title 24.2: Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Early In-Person Voting Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Early In-Person Voting Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Application Military and Overseas Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Voter List Permanent Status Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Accessibility and Voter Assistance Application Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting Signature Verification
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting Signature Verification
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 7: Absentee Voting
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Petition Requirements Procedures Causes of Action Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Petition Requirements U.S. Presidential Electoral College Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Procedures Causes of Action Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 1: Recounts
Topics: Election Costs Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: U.S. Congressional U.S. Presidential Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Causes of Action Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Election Costs Certification and Reporting Results Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Causes of Action Contests or Protests
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 8: Recounts and Contested ElectionsArticle 2: Contested Elections
Topics: Contests or Protests Recounts
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 1: General Provisions
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 1: General Provisions
Topics: Definitions Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 1: General Provisions
Topics: Candidate Requirements Political Committee Requirements Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Public Disclosure and Reporting Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Information Requests and Open Records Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Enforcement Election Offenses Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Deadlines Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 9.3: Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006Article 2: State Board and Local Electoral Board Responsibilities
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Responsibilities - Election Officials