Virginia Statutes Chapter 3: Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling Places
Down to ⤵ Article 2: Congressional, Senatorial, and House of Delegates Districts §§ 24.2-304.04 to 24.2-304.04
Down to ⤵ Article 2.1: Reapportionment of Local Election Districts §§ 24.2-304.2 to 24.2-304.6
Down to ⤵ Article 3: Requirements for Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling Places §§ 24.2-305 to 24.2-310.1
Down to ⤵ Article 4: Effective Dates of Redistricting Measures §§ 24.2-312 to 24.2-313
Down to ⤵ Article 5: Population Data §§ 24.2-314 to 24.2-314