Virginia Statutes Article 2: Ballots
Statutes under Article 2: Ballots
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Contents and Design
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Constitutional Amendment or Revision Contents and Design
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Election Offenses Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials Distributing Ballots Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Code: Title 24.2: ElectionsChapter 6: The ElectionArticle 2: Ballots
Topics: Contents and Design